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Yours Truly

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♥ Yuko.Yuiko

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Singapore Paranormal Investigators

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May 2008


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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License. Reality & illusion
Dream Dreamer
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Honestly speaking I had been really concentrating reading on the topic on sleeping disorder and such.

Recently I had a number of bad dreams…, I remembered there was one of these night that I was sleeping alone in the bed room

I heard a very weird man voice coming in the room next moment I saw a black shadow figure in the room. It is not the end, I started to dream of something and I slowly felt my body were squeeze and held down by a number of people my throat was being pressed down that I couldn’t given breathe I was yelling out but nobody responded to me.

Next I couldn’t even different what’s reality or dream? I saw many apparitions in the room I got totally freaked out I had never seem so many before as if something makes me not to voice out anything or what I had saw …

It had been continuing for about three to four days while I kept quiet even didn’t tell him about it. I felt very uneasy … so I decide to blog it

Yuko writes @ 11:50 PM

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Had a horrified dream, dreamt was waiting dear at the bus stop after his work while I saw many accident happened when I was at the bus stop. Imagine the bus was driving fast and hit the passenger the scene was gross it was pouring heavy outside.

I kept telling myself for what shit? I have to see this accident that happened in my eyes!! After which, I was scared in my heart I was saying what the ass? I waited for the bus 3 hour!! I could have take MTR instead.

But, after which I went home first i noticed the backyard had a weird noise I peek and I saw it was flooded with water. And, broken limb, hand, the head was covered with disgusting yucks funny things … dame it. Dame dame degusting and gross

I can’t continue with this dream of mine because it makes me puke! I’ll continue to write on sleeping disorder that I had yet to finish

Yuko writes @ 5:12 PM

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I used to kick my parents when I was sleeping or sleep in a different position without me realizing it till the following day when my parents actually asked “Did you have a bad dream?” I was puzzled what? So my mom said told me I kicked her

Let’s take a look below,

Which best describe the symptoms that I have …
I believe some people always claimed it was “ghostly” or being held by some invisible force that we are unclear about.

I used to think in that way as I was young didn’t know many things about sleeping disorder nor any one tells me about it. Naïve me always believe others saying … as years after years I realize it was just a purely sleeping disorder.

I am fascinated about horror movie, ghost stories and so on but I am not afraid nor do I find it is frightening at all. I strongly believe it is our minds that can play trick with us imagine you read day and night with ghostly story book each and every chapter and happening store in our brain without us knowing ….

It sounds contradicting at times when we said we believe and sometimes we said we don’t believe? In the things we had saw with our own eyes.

Sleeping disorder
Some common sleeping disorder

Bruxism Greek βρυγμός (brugmós), gnashing of teeth) is grinding of the teeth: The sufferer involuntarily grinds or clenches his or her teeth while sleeping.
Delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS): A sleep disorder of circadian rhythm, characterized by the inability to wake up and fall asleep at the desired times, but not by inability to stay asleep.

Bruxism can associate with other factors as followed,
High level of anxiety and or stress
Digestive problem
Consumption of drugs and so on

Hypopnea syndrome: Abnormally shallow breathing or slow respiratory rate while sleeping.

Choking sound
Not enough air to pass through the mouth and nose
The period silent lasted for 20 seconds or longer

Narcolepsy: The condition of falling asleep spontaneously and unwillingly at inappropriate times.
Night terror or Pavor nocturnus or sleep terror disorder: abrupt awakening from sleep with behavior consistent with terror.
Parasomnias: Include a variety of disruptive sleep-related events.
Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD): Sudden involuntary movement of arms and/or legs during sleep, for example kicking the legs. Also known as nocturnal myoclonus. See also Hypnic jerk, which is not a disorder.
Rapid eye movement behavior disorder (RBD): Acting out violent or dramatic dreams while in REM sleep.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS): An irresistible urge to move legs. RLS sufferers often also have PLMD.

The sensations—and the need to move—may return immediately after ceasing movement, or at a later time. RLS may start at any age, including early childhood, and is a progressive disease for a certain portion of those afflicted, although the symptoms have disappeared permanently in some sufferers.

"An urge to move, usually due to uncomfortable sensations that occur primarily in the legs."
The sensations are unusual and unlike other common sensations, and those with RLS have a hard time describing them. People use words such as: uncomfortable, "antsy", electrical, creeping, painful, itching, pins and needles, pulling, creepy-crawly, ants inside the legs, and many others. The sensation and the urge can occur in any body part; the most cited location is legs, followed by arms. Some people have little or no sensation, yet still have a strong urge to move.
"Motor restlessness, expressed as activity that relieves the urge to move."
Movement will usually bring immediate relief, however, often only temporary and partial. Walking is most common; however, doing stretches, yoga, biking, or other physical activity may relieve the symptoms. Constant and fast up-and-down movement of the leg, coined "sewing machine legs" by at least one RLS sufferer, is often done to keep the sensations at bay without having to walk. Sometimes a specific type of movement will help a person more than another.
"Worsening of symptoms by relaxation."
Any type of inactivity involving sitting or lying—reading a book, a plane ride, watching TV or a movie, taking a nap—can trigger the sensations and urge to move. This depends on several factors: the severity of the person’s RLS, the degree of restfulness, the duration of the inactivity, etc.
"Variability over the course of the day-night cycle, with symptoms worse in the evening and early in the night."
While some only experience RLS at bedtime and others experience it throughout the day and night, most sufferers experience the worst symptoms in the evening and the least in the morning.

Shift work sleep disorder (SWSD).
Sleep apnea: The obstruction of the airway during sleep, causing loud snoring and sudden awakenings when breathing stops.

Sleep paralysis is characterized by temporary paralysis of the body shortly before or after sleep. Sleep paralysis may be accompanied by visual, auditory or tactile hallucinations.
Sleepwalking or somnambulism: Engaging in activities that are normally associated with wakefulness (such as eating or dressing), which may include walking, without the conscious knowledge of the subject.

I will blog more in the later days for further explanation ~


Yuko writes @ 10:24 PM

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I am always surrounded with forest, graveyard, trees, river, ocean and a monster that has an eerie and ugly looks of his.

I was terrified whenever I dream of it; I didn’t know what it means at all with graveyard every time as if I was like some kind of enclosed castle with dark imagines the portraits that were hang on the wall is amazing.

In the forest I was being chased by a group of spirits and something that will happen in the later years? I can remember vividly as if my eyes and mind trying to fix the whole dream into one story or looking for the meaning behind it.

I am having nightmares for many years without fail, especially during Hungry Ghost Festival or anything got to do with dead person.

Have you ever experience you can’t sleep for days? Staying awake through rushing for deadlines?

Since young I love reading astrology, watching horror film, reading ghost book and such I believed many of us knows there’s a wide range of dream dictionary…

Telling us what we dream of a specify item/human/scenery and so on

Ghost it says as
When we dream of the dead they usually appear as quite substantial figures, so it is unlikely that dreaming of a ghost actually represents a spirit entity. It is much more likely to signify old memories, feelings, or hopes and dreams, which may be somewhat insubstantial. By putting ourselves in touch with what is now defunct we can take appropriate action in the here and now. Oddly, ghosts in dreams can also suggest perhaps previous incarnation or spiritual states. The shadowy figure so often perceived in dreams is a representation of the shadow those part of ourselves that we have suppressed.

Written by me

Different interpretation on the same subject on Ghost can be similar or even totally the opposite

Some believe that the ghosts in their dreams are real representations of the dead. This is an unlikely explanation of this dream. More likely the ghost is representing a part of you that is unclear and that you do not understand. At times, ghosts represent those things that unattainable or fleeting. Demonic type of ghost images may represent your negative tendencies, unpleasant parts of personality or your "shadow." Old superstition based dream interpretations say that dreaming of friendly ghosts is a lucky omen, and that you should be receiving unexpected good luck. On the other hand, if you were very frightened by the ghost in your dream, then others will try to impose their will on you and you must be vigilant in order to stand up to it.

Source from

Graves are generally depressing and represent some form of death. On a very physical level this dream does not appear to be a very happy omen. However, the dream could also have deeper and more spiritual meaning. It could represent things which require deep thinking and are not "on the surface." Graves could also symbolize the unconscious. If someone close to you has recently died, it may be normal for you to have dreams about graveyards and death. However, if this dream is coming up and there has been no death in the family, consider your feelings in daily life. If you are feeling depressed or helpless in any way, "look inside" and make attempts to increase your self awareness and your spiritual identity.

From the above how much can you believe in it? And how do you know it really define your own dream? Different people dream different things not all dream interpretation shows how you exactly had felt… but is something similar or for entertaining

Side track abit

In 1965 a 17 year-old college student tried to set a world record for staying awake. During his quest he experienced the following symptoms: visual and auditory hallucinations, increased heart rate, low blood pressure, and psychosis. After 264 hours and 12 minutes (just over 11 days), he collapsed due to profound weakness. Thankfully, he made a full recovery after sleeping 14 hours and 40 minutes.

source from

Sleep is very important to our health as well as how we performed during the day. Often you heard people said you need to have adequate rest 8 hours but, some others need more than 10 hours.

The first six months baby sleeps 16 to 20 hours newborn awakes every 3 to 4 hours until their weight gain

6 to 12 months 3 hours during the day 11 hours during the night

1 to 3 years old needs 10 to 13 hours

Teens needs 8 to 9.5 hours of sleeps
But many people still don’t get it why teenagers needs 8 to 9.5 hours, it is because teens often have schedule packed with school works and activities
They are typically chronically sleep deprived

And sleep deprivation adds up over time, so an hour less per night is like a full night without sleep by the end of the week. Among other things, sleep deprivation can lead to:

This gradually causes bad temper, grumpy in school and through out the days
If sleeps were disrupted or irregular sleep can actually aggravate the problems and make getting to sleep at a reasonable hour during the week even harder.

9 steps to better sleep.

1. Reserve your bedroom for sleep.

Your bedroom should be reserved for sleep and lovemaking. Homework, office work, and other stressful and stimulating activities should be kept outside of the bedroom, as should televisions, radios, stereos, and other entertainment equipment. This will condition your body to relax and anticipate sleep once you walk into the bedroom. You want to keep any stress and unnecessary stimulation as far away from the bedroom as possible.

2. Be consistent with sleep and wake times.

Go to sleep at the same time each night, and get out of bed at the same time each morning. This will condition your body to fall into a routine of sleep and wakefulness. It is best not to disrupt this routine, such as by sleeping in on weekends.

3. Avoid nicotine, caffeine, sugar, and alcohol close to bedtime.

Nicotine, caffeine, sugar, and alcohol often cause insomnia. Nicotine, caffeine, and sugar are stimulants that cause you to sleep lightly and to wake up before you need to because of withdrawal. Common sources of caffeine are coffee, soft drinks, non-herbal teas, and some over-the-counter and prescription medications. Alcohol prevents deep sleep and interferes with REM-stage sleep, the stage of sleep that stimulates the learning centres of the brain. Adopting an unprocessed and whole food diet will help you avoid these stimulants.

4. Sleep in complete darkness.

Melatonin is a hormone that initiates our desire to sleep and affects the depth of sleep we achieve. Melatonin regulates our sleep-wake cycles and is produced by a gland in the brain. The amount of light we are exposed to at any given moment is what tells this gland whether or not to produce melatonin. Darkness stimulates melatonin production while light inhibits it. Thus, the darker it is when you sleep, the better your melatonin production, and the better the quality of your sleep. Even dim light from a night-light or hall light can disrupt sleep cycles and prevent you from getting deep sleep.

5. Exercise regularly.

Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Being active promotes a greater need for deep sleep and decreases stress. Do not exercise close to your bedtime, however, as exercise is stimulating and can create difficulties in falling asleep. It is best not to exercise vigorously within 3 hours of your bedtime.

6. Make sure you have a comfortable mattress.

This sounds simple, but there are countless numbers of people out there who are sleeping on a mattress that is too hard, too soft, or not supportive enough and are wondering why they can’t fall asleep. Invest in a mattress that you feel comfortable sleeping on.

7. Claim your bed space.

Don’t share your bed with a companion who takes up your space or who moves around so much that you have difficulty falling or staying asleep. This includes your partner, children, and animal companions. Children after a certain age and animals should have their own designated places for sleep. If you share a bed with your partner and/or children and find it crowded, consider investing in a bigger bed, push two beds together, or try sleeping with separate blankets. You may also want to consider sleeping in a separate bed.

8. Get up if you can’t sleep.

If you have not fallen asleep after 15 minutes, get up and do something else in another room. Thinking about your inability to sleep will contribute to the inability to sleep, which creates a vicious cycle. When you get up to do something else, make sure that the activity you engage in is relaxing and doesn’t involve bright light. Reading and listening to music can be good activities. Watching television and surfing the internet are not.

9. Figure out how much sleep you need.

To determine how long you need to sleep in order to function optimally, take the time to sleep until you wake up on your own without external motivation such as alarms or loud noises. Through this exercise you can determine the optimal amount of sleep for you.

If you are following these steps and are still experiencing sleep difficulties, you may want to consult with a qualified professional to explore organic causes of sleep disturbance.

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Yuko writes @ 7:15 PM

Friday, May 9, 2008

Déjà vu
Third eyes
Evil eyes
Mental illness
Sleeping disorder
Out of body experience
Near death experience known as EDE
Mind control (brainwashing)
And so on…

I am not a perfectionist at all but through my understanding and research that I had read up from, paranormal can be explained in a different angle

Many scientists, parapsychologist, psychiatrists, will cite from experiment and research to evaluate the outcome of why people dreams or how we feel. Example we claimed we hear things or even out of body experiences

Sometimes what we see may not be true sometimes what we see may be true
So do we have to believe it even when I see it? The answer is yes and no.
You have the freedom to choose to believe or not to believe

I have a very unpleasant childhood that I can remember clearly, and often I do get unknown bruises on my leg, arm, hand I heard whispering and speaks to the unknown.
Every night I sleep I experience my body is floating up I was petrified having nightmares I can even remember what I had dreamt of even after so many years.

I have a family history of leukemia… every one in the family afraid I will follow my grandfather who has a leukemia and live up to 5 years after he was diagnosed

Many people loves to say unknown bruises comes from spirits that disturb us at night when we are sleeping so, may I ask a question? How do you know? And can be so sure it is by spirits have you heard before leukemia? if you do not know leukemia symptoms

Here it is;

Lack of oxygen and red blood cells to carry it may cause patients to become anemic, more pale, weak or tired. The lack of platelets also causes patients to bleed or bruise more easily and so on

Another source

A bruise is a traumatic injury of the soft tissues that results in breakage of the local capillaries and leakage of red blood cells. In the skin, bruising can be seen as a reddish-purple discoloration that does not blanch when pressed upon. A bruise can sometimes be associated with a temporary raised area in the skin. When a bruise fades, it becomes green and brown as the body metabolizes the blood cells and bilirubin pigment in the skin. A bruise is best treated with local application of a cold pack immediately after injury.

A bruise is medically termed a contusion. Bruises are typically a result of some degree of injury to the blood vessels in the skin. Local leakage of blood into the skin from the capillaries that occurs spontaneously, without injury, results in a flat, purplish discolored area referred to as ecchymosis. Credit to

The amount of bruising may also be affected by medications which interfere with blood clotting (and thus cause more bleeding into the skin or tissues). These drugs include many prescription arthritis medications called nonsteroidal antiinflammatories (for example, ibuprofen [Advil, Nuprin] and naproxen [Aleve]) as well as over-the-counter medications, such as aspirin. Warfarin (Coumadin) is often prescribed by doctors specifically to prevent clotting in patients who have had blood clots in their legs or heart. Warfarin can cause particularly severe bruising, especially if the level of the medication becomes too high. Cortisone medications, such as prednisone, promote bruising by increasing the fragility of the tiny blood vessels in the skin. In addition, patients with inherited clotting problems (such as in hemophilia) or acquired clotting problems (such as in patients with liver diseases like cirrhosis), can develop extensive bruising or even life-threatening bleeding.

Most people think I am insane when I speaks to the “air” my parents entrusted a Christian Family to baby sit me every Sunday they will go to church whenever I enter the church I felt uneasy as if my whole mind was “brain washed” I couldn’t remember a single thing except the phrases they said from the bible book I can sense there were something unclean in the church they were a catholic.

I have a very bad experience with a catholic family members till now I hate them to the core I can even remember how they looks like even when I saw them on the streets.
Imagine you have an unpleasant childhood that you had to cling on it for over 21 years of your life how do you feel? Depressed

Why do I out of body experience? Firstly I was abused by the catholic family a child mind is very fragile and innocent but through the abuse that was given by them. it trigger a child brains the fear of being abuse every single day when your parents is actually working hard outside without knowing they had entrusted a family to baby sit abuse the child

Have you ever asked yourself why many teenagers smoke, drinks, steals and so on they do have family problem example their parents is divorce they got no love from them at all that’s why they are doing such a thing. No proper guide in their life except some visible hurts that they had… some are purely out of curiosity by taking drugs, steals and so on

Kids are easily being repercussions by others. So, during their teenage life is very important that parents care and knowing what they are doing outside

Child abuse

I have cited from

Children with histories of maltreatment, such as physical and psychological neglect and physical abuse are at risk of developing psychiatric problems.[6][7] Such children are at risk of developing a disorganized attachment.[8][9][10] Disorganized attachment is associated with a number of developmental problems, including dissociative symptoms,[11] as well as anxiety, depressive, and acting-out symptoms.[12][13] A study by Dante Cicchetti found that 80% of abused and maltreated infants exhibited symptoms of disorganized attachment.[14][15]

Posttraumatic stress is an anxiety disorder that can develop into emotional reaction to an extreme psychological trauma.

With inability to control oneself it can lead to self injury you can read more by clicking

If you find it difficult to understand just drop me an email located on the left hand top corner

As for me, I still can’t obligate myself to forgo the past that has brought me into at least I am glad that my parents love me as much as I love them

I run away from many things in life my childhood, it sad me the most in my life as time passes by I try hard and my best to forget whatever that I have cling on it for so long.

Forgive and forget this phrase has been coming out from friends to me
There’s a sentence cite from someone who I known of
She said even you can’t forget what had happens forgive it do not bring yourself to remember because it will haunt me every single day single night. I agreed with that.

But, I personally believe in good childhood rather than some unpleasant childhood. It will affect one being

More to come …

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Yuko writes @ 2:15 AM

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Firstly let me write why I create this brand new blog on my paranormal experience, I used to have one due to a little commitment to write up every day what I had dreamt or experience I abandon it.

The blogskins is made by me. If anyone is interested to have unique blogskins just drop me an email

Many people is curious about what I have dreamed or experience
Whether am I a believer or a skeptic?

The answer is

I did experience something paranormal when I was young till now, but I never had the chance to understand better of it till I read and knowing what I had experience from was a sleeping disorder and due to my long depression history. And, nevertheless I studied psychology to understand better in humane beings. I was inspired by my elder brother when he was in his junior collage years back.

I believed in good childhood without a proper childhood with influence it can trigger our brains to think everything negatively.

I am here to share what I had experience and to those people who had a similarity to my dream well, do read up more often in my
blog that I had created … I will give you each and every explanation through my blog that is totally not paranormal that I used to think it was…

But, I still believes something is supernatural out there yes I can see, hear and speaks to the unknown but does that means I have to believes all?

You can join
SPI for such a discussion on your experience too.

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Yuko writes @ 11:00 PM